Bach Ho Hoat Lac Cao massage


Bach Ho Hoat Lac Cao massage



Bao Linh’s Bach Ho Hoat Lac Cao is an effective pain reliever. Bach tiger massage is used to treat acute and chronic back pain, sciatica, arthritis of the limbs, sprains, muscle aches, headaches, insect bites.

The White Tiger is HIGH ACTIVE
Packing: 20g.
Uses of Cao Bach Tiger massage products:
Bach Ho Hoat Lac Cao is used to treat acute and chronic back pain, sciatica, arthritis in limbs with difficulty in stretching, falls, sprains due to work or playing sports. Muscle aches, neck strain, neck fatigue, headache, insect bites.
For external use only. Wash and dry the skin area before applying it to the painful area. 3 to 4 times a day, use Bach Ho Hoat Lac Cao to apply on the painful area or on acupressure points. Then rub your hands with waves (moderate, don’t be too strong) or rub on acupressure points to help blood circulation, help relieve pain quickly.
Do not use in the following cases (Contraindications)
Do not apply to skin, muscle sores, festering. Do not use for children under 30 months old, children with a history of epilepsy, high fever, convulsions.
– Do not use for children under 5 years old.
– Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women
Tác dụng phụ:
Haven’t seen any.
High preservation massage:
Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight.
Thành phần: For 100g of product
Menthol 8,0 g
Menthol 15,9 g
Camphor 10,9 g
Cinnamon oil 1,5 g
Clove Essential Oil 2,0 g
Eucalyptol 4,9 g
Methyl Salicylat 20,0 g
Excipients just enough 100 g


For external use only.
Wash and dry the skin before applying the paste to the painful area.
Apply 3 times to 4 times a day on the painful area or apply to acupuncture points.
Then rub with the palm of your hand (moderately, don’t be too strong) or rub the acupoints.
Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 4.4 × 4.4 × 3 cm
Khối lượng tịnh



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